
i’m writing this as i export some stems for an upcoming project!

i can’t talk much about it right now but it’s super exciting and personally one of my favourite works. it’s super melodic and it’s the first track that i’ve written the vocal entirely myself (not performed by me, obviously haha). so i’m pretty nervous about that!

there’s been an insane heatwave recently. i don’t ever remember it being this hot when i was a kid - maybe one day in a year it’d go up to like 30 degrees but it just seems like every year it’s getting warmer and warmer! so ridiculously sweaty, especially with a production PC on too. actually, in winter i don’t even bother turning the heating on because the rigs keep the space warm haha. there was a massive storm that cleared the humidity and (for now) it’s starting to cool down.

by the way if you’ve heard any music recently that’s really vibing you out, drop it down below in the comments please! always on the lookout for new stuff to listen to!

just a quick update anyway, back to work now!


back again, hi


sore! and new projects :)